zaterdag 30 maart 2013

Black Ops Part 2

Some real action now. Fleet started with 9 BO pilots, that turned into 12 at the end. Very good show up, thank you guys for that :)

The Op started a bit slow: I had a target system in mind; Istrodard, that was supposed to have a lot of nice little targets flying around. Took me an odd 30 jumps to get there with my Cyno Loki. But to reach it, we had to use a midpoint first. To ease the jumping, we took a Viator-Blockade Runner with us to carry some fuel and pick up the PvP loot.

Meanwhile, Corina was dealing with some more pressing matters, and was trying to figure out how to best clean his keyboard.

Again, fleet started a bit slow. The actual lvl 5 mission pocket was rather dead, only some lone pilot in local, either docked or running for his life at first sight of a Combat Probe. I probed a Machariel, and later a Tengu to 80%, but they were either cloaked or docked before I got the final scan cycle on it. Can't blame their paranoia. :-)

I was giving my hopes up on getting targets just when I spotted a Harbinger and a Hurricane sitting on a Sun. I tried to re-warp on top of them, but they were already gone to the next system. I followed them, just to find them in a Belt fighting a bounce other guys.

Seems an Ishtar, Harbinger and the Hurricane were fighting a Cynabal (armor fit, mind you!) and 2 Talos' at a belt. When I lit the cyno, the 2 Talos already died, but the 4 remaining were left for us to kill.

Again, the Viator gave us a lot of mobility, and only a few minutes later I found a Megathron ratting in a belt. Please take a moment of your time to look at this fit. 

At this point, Swirve did an attempt cleaning his keyboard as well, pulling off all his keys, losing the button 'S'.

At this point I was gonna call it a night, and headed back to Dal, when a few systems later I found 2 Hurricanes camping a Gate. Sometimes, life is just too easy.

The state of Corina's keyboard is still largely unknown, but we can confirm Swirve's keyboard is fully operational again. Op success.

PS, needless to say I forgot to Fraps any of that ... DarkTV episode will have to wait again ...

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