vrijdag 23 januari 2015

Executive Outcomes - Dr. Mo's fantastic VEGAn cleanse

Short little update today.

The last two or thee week we (Executive Outcomes - alliance) has been harassing V.e.G.A. alliance in the Syndicate region. We have been hitting their towers furiously but unfortunately we don't get as many as many good brawls as we hoped to. Still, managed to capture a little bit of Fraps material. Hope you like it! :)

Personally not a huge fan of the Ishtars. Dropping drones and assigning them isn't nearly as fun as blasting your own guns. They make good ships for bashing a tower though with unlimited ammo :P

I absolutely love the Tempest and I'm really glad we had a chance to roll these once again. We were finishing up a Tower when VeGA formed a counter fleet. Excellent brawl, enjoyed that. Could've used a bubble though ....

vrijdag 9 januari 2015

Fan Fiction: Metempsychosis

Memory Log 100.42 RAL
In a world where life no longer more has value, would the dead have a price? The Veschens documents never truly explained what happened with Axroth after the experiment; Yomir Veschens said the Reborn have been dead since their birth. How appropriate, I thought, that the only consorts on this journey are a migraine and the bootlegged documents written by a mad man.

More than a year ago I finished a piece of work called "Fan Fiction: A First Attempt". Today I present you with a new story.

Fan Fiction: Metempsychosis
Metempsychosis follows the tale of the narrator cruising among the stars in search for a mysterious capsuleer named Sideryn.

The work is too large to post in a thread or blog thus for your ease I've uploaded a PDF you can download here: METEMPSYCHOSIS.pdf

This is my second EVE related fan fiction and I hope you like it. As ever, I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Happy reading! :)

The story itself is largely build around CCP's lore for EVE but I took the liberty to build upon that and nearly all names, places and characters can be looked up in-game.
Example screenshot:

PS. My first fanfiction can be found here.