maandag 15 oktober 2012

Lotta lemons

"When life hands you lemons... you ignore the FC's terribad decisions and do your own thing."

Last weekend was fun, in its own little way. The evening started out nice with about 15+ Wartargets plexing in Nennamaila looking for a fight.
Dark-Rising corp activity was rather low at the time, but Militia was high sure enough.
Now, unfortunately I missed the grand opening of our random elite blue FC, but when I hopped on TS he was calling for people to ship up in, get this, Sniper Battleships with Guardians. A couple of moments later we were in the wildest mixed bag of ships, mostly *Shield Battlecruisers*, with a handful of Guardians. Epicness was occurring.

I got myself in a Lachesis, Kubiq in an Arazu, and Mr Digs was either brave or too folly enough to board a Guardian. A couple of other Dark-Rising members joined the blue fleet too. Fleet got to 30+ when we warped our terribad blob into the Squids when shit got real... Our primary FC had no idea what he was doing. Our secondary target-caller mic was broken. And I doubt not half of us were in a ship that was supposed to do what we were doing. Eventually, Mr Digs (still flying the Guardian) took over the FC role, and we won that little fight. Props to him.

When we all arrived back at the station, we figured out this wasn't the way to do it. Surely we can do crazier. So we (Mr Digs, Kubiq and me) dropped down to our own private Comms, and left the blue Militia fleet, and fired up our own little gang. So now we were on separated Teamspeak and fleets, flying semi-parallel with the blue blob. From this point on wards we had no clue what the blues were saying or doing.
We were still sitting on the Nennamaila Station together with the blues, when a new WT fleet arrived  almost 100 KM off from us. We fired up our Loki links and our Gallente Recons suddenly got disruptors going as far as 103 KM. Fun fun.
We figured this was a chance to catch some kills so we tackled some Battlecruisers from 100KM away with our Recons. Blues noticed quick enough and followed our lead, which resulted in a few kills.

Caldari Militia wasn't done for tonight just yet. A bit later they were held up inside another Plex. We were still in our 3-man gang on our own comms, and blues were still in their own fleet. We reshipped for Frigates and warped to the Plex gate. Some blues were on the gate as well, awaiting orders whether to go in or not. Minutes passed. Blues were very much aware of us being there too, and I think they were just waiting for us to take the lead again. And sure we did. The next 30 minutes we spend nano'ing inside the Plex catching targets whenever we could, for the blues to lay damage on.
We did lose our Frigates, but we quickly reshipped and the next minute we were back in again. At the end of the event we got 25+ kills. I sure had a lot of fun flying around.
So next time you see a lemon flying by (be it in the shape of a Drake or not), just take it. With or without your terrible FC's approval.

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